Prep Exercises 26 Sept Written By Complete Athlete Project . 3 EXERCISES TO BEST PREPARE FOR GAMES AND TRAININGS! #1.Groin Squeeze3 x 20 secs HOW: place the ball between your knees and lift your hips off the ground. Imagine you are trying to pop your basketball fromsqueezing so hard! #2.Single Leg Wall Sit3 x 20 secs TIP: try and get your ‘working’ leg at a 90 degree angle! #3.Tall to Short3 x 8 reps HOW: start with ball above your head, perform a calf raise and then aggressively ’drop’ into this position below ⬇️ TIP: stick and land, hold it for 2 secs! Repeat! Complete Athlete Project .
Prep Exercises 26 Sept Written By Complete Athlete Project . 3 EXERCISES TO BEST PREPARE FOR GAMES AND TRAININGS! #1.Groin Squeeze3 x 20 secs HOW: place the ball between your knees and lift your hips off the ground. Imagine you are trying to pop your basketball fromsqueezing so hard! #2.Single Leg Wall Sit3 x 20 secs TIP: try and get your ‘working’ leg at a 90 degree angle! #3.Tall to Short3 x 8 reps HOW: start with ball above your head, perform a calf raise and then aggressively ’drop’ into this position below ⬇️ TIP: stick and land, hold it for 2 secs! Repeat! Complete Athlete Project .